8 thoughts on “Guestbook

  1. Congratulations Jill and Steve! Children are gifts from God, so you are very blessed. We are so happy for you. Happy Thanksgiving! Uncle Gary and Aunt Genevieve

  2. Reading your blog has brought back so many memories of when I was pregnant with Jarrett. There is nothing like that first flutter that feels so much like a muscle twitch. Even today, I find myself remembering the thrill I felt back then, but only to realize “oh it’s just gas. So keep on blogging and making beautiful memories for little nugget. Best of luck to both of you and kudos for keeping the gender a surprise. Happy New Year! Loretta

  3. Hi there Jill/Steve/Miles — thank you for posting the photos. They are super and thanks for sharing. Happy to know you are all doing well.

    • I am so glad that you are enjoying the blog and photos! Miles is a really happy baby and it’s so much fun to watch how he grows and develops his personality every day 🙂

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